“You had the power all along my dear.”- Glinda the Good Witch

We are all valuable and have abundant potential. However, there are roadblocks everywhere that bombard us and convince us otherwise. This potential in the core of our being is our inner goddess. Once we can tap into the goddess within us – along with faith, courage, and support from others – we can do wonders.

Welcome to Grateful Goddesses with Karen Pulver. Join Karen on this journey of self-care and self-discovery to unleash your inner goddesses. Take a leap of faith and expand your comfort zones to explore various topics on your life journey. Be vulnerable, be real, and get empowered as you realize your highest potential as a Grateful Goddess.


Episode Blogs

Taylor Morrison: The Inner Workout – Developing Sustainable Self-Care Practices

Taylor Morrison: The Inner Workout – Developing Sustainable Self-Care Practices

  Self-care is not a selfish act. It is a necessary act to encourage our well-being to better take care…
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Sandra Rodriguez Bicknell: How To Make Your Diamond Sparkle

Sandra Rodriguez Bicknell: How To Make Your Diamond Sparkle

  Forgiveness is a process of letting go. Sandra Rodriguez Bicknell, the author of Cuts of a Diamond, has lived…
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Sadie Morgan: Connections With Others Through Architecture

Sadie Morgan: Connections With Others Through Architecture

  You can establish connections with others through architecture. When buildings are designed in a special way, they can have…
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Jenn Kennedy: See People For Who They Are, Not What We Expect Them To Be

Jenn Kennedy: See People For Who They Are, Not What We Expect Them To Be

  What questions do you have about sex and gender? What is sexual addiction/compulsion? How can speaking to a sex/gender…
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Michelle Marie: Astrological Tarot – How Listening To The Stars Can Help You Live Your Best Life

Michelle Marie: Astrological Tarot – How Listening To The Stars Can Help You Live Your Best Life

  What do the stars tell us? This show's guest today is Michelle Marie, an astrological tarot reader and Western…
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Tanys Coughlan: Get In Touch With Your Inner Self And Create Good Vibrations Through Energy Healing Practices

Tanys Coughlan: Get In Touch With Your Inner Self And Create Good Vibrations Through Energy Healing Practices

  Are you in tune with your inner being? Tanys Coughlan, a registered Reiki Master, Aqualead Master, and spiritual practitioner,…
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Sharon Neiss Arbess: Share Your Rainbow After The Rain

Sharon Neiss Arbess: Share Your Rainbow After The Rain

  You may have had episodes of embarrassment, insecurity, and failure growing up. But it is from these difficult moments…
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Lisa Herold: How Positive Discipline Can Help Parents And Their Children Deal With Learning From Home

Lisa Herold: How Positive Discipline Can Help Parents And Their Children Deal With Learning From Home

  Since the pandemic, there were many changes that people had to cope with—one being learning from home. It’s been…
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Hope Edelman: The Grief Journey Of Losing A Mother

Hope Edelman: The Grief Journey Of Losing A Mother

  Everyone’s grief is a very individual process. There is no one-size-fits-all. But when we lose someone who is dear…
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Elaine Williams: Discover How Owning Your Own Power And Speaking Your Why Can Lead You To Greater Things In Life

Elaine Williams: Discover How Owning Your Own Power And Speaking Your Why Can Lead You To Greater Things In Life

  It’s scary to own your power. When there is pressure or trauma, the squeaky voice can come on. Owning…
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Heidi Rome: How Her Son With High-Need Autism Taught Her To Love

Heidi Rome: How Her Son With High-Need Autism Taught Her To Love

  We all know the phrase "we make plans and God laughs." How many times in our lives have we…
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Dr. Lina Duseviciute – The Architecture Of A Smile And How It Shifts Your Spirit To A Higher Level

Dr. Lina Duseviciute – The Architecture Of A Smile And How It Shifts Your Spirit To A Higher Level

  The architecture of a smile has a tremendous impact on your personal development. For instance, research shows that by…
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Jessica Goldman: Dance Forever And Set Your Soul On Fire!

Jessica Goldman: Dance Forever And Set Your Soul On Fire!

  We are all but children trying to figure out how to be adults, but who is to say that by being…
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Jenna Benn Shersher: Twisting And Brushing Out Cancer And Supporting Patients  

Jenna Benn Shersher: Twisting And Brushing Out Cancer And Supporting Patients  

  When we are vulnerable, by being open and honest, we can encourage others to feel like they have permission…
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Jonny Imerman: Approaching Cancer Treatment Through Vulnerability And Connection

Jonny Imerman: Approaching Cancer Treatment Through Vulnerability And Connection

  Persistence and resilience are qualities we all have inside of us. It is challenging to bring these qualities out,…
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Carol Gino – There Are No Ordinary Stories: A Conversation On Storytelling, Angels, And Mario Puzo

Carol Gino – There Are No Ordinary Stories: A Conversation On Storytelling, Angels, And Mario Puzo

  “There are no ordinary lives so it is so important for women to tell their stories. We are all…
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Alysha Myronuk: Making Sense Of The Crazy Coincidences In Life

Alysha Myronuk: Making Sense Of The Crazy Coincidences In Life

  We all have experienced crazy coincidences or serendipitous moments in our lives. It might be you thinking of someone…
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Lori Ross – How The Stones Help You Manifest Positivity Into Your Life

Lori Ross – How The Stones Help You Manifest Positivity Into Your Life

  Stones may look beautiful and benign, but behind that façade is a hidden power that allows us to manifest…
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Randi Shinder: Be Great – How Elevating, Empowering And Taking Risks Create Your Destiny

Randi Shinder: Be Great – How Elevating, Empowering And Taking Risks Create Your Destiny

  Have you always wanted to start a business and don't know where to start? Every woman founder encounters this…
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Julie Albert And Lisa Gnat: Serving Ease To The Kitchen And Laughs To The Table With Bite Me More

Julie Albert And Lisa Gnat: Serving Ease To The Kitchen And Laughs To The Table With Bite Me More

  Who says healthy food can’t be delicious and that cooking is no more than a task? Julie Albert and Lisa…
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