Dr. Lina Duseviciute – The Architecture Of A Smile And How It Shifts Your Spirit To A Higher Level
The architecture of a smile has a tremendous impact on your personal development. For instance, research shows that by simply smiling, you can shift your mood to a more positive one. Join Karen Pulver and her featured Goddesses as they chat with Dr. Lina Duseviciute, a prosthodontist/life coach who brings a smile to peoples’ faces from the inside out by helping them understand the “why” behind what they do and evolve from that. In this episode, you will learn the different levels you can grow into when you’re willing to change, how shifting your focus from “ME” to others elevates your spirit to a higher level, and how feeling good about yourself unleashes your inner goddess. If you want to live life to your highest potential, tune in!
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Dr. Lina Duseviciute – The Architecture Of A Smile And How It Shifts Your Spirit To A Higher Level
I hope you’re smiling. A lot has happened in our world. It feels a little more hopeful for some reason with 2021 and a vaccine. People are feeling a little bit lighter trying to set goals perhaps or trying out new things for 2021. A smile is important not only to help you feel good and look good on the outside but to help you feel happy inside. There have been studies that have shown that even if you just smile, it can affect your mood and how you present yourself to the world and how others see you.
Our guest is an expert in the field of smiling. Not only the aesthetics of smiling but she’s also gone into work with coaching, which helps people to understand the mechanisms for why they act certain ways or how they approach their lives. Also, hopefully, to bring a smile not only aesthetically to their face but also inside and how they feel emotionally. I’d like to welcome Dr. Lina Duseviciute.
She was born in Lithuania, a small Eastern European country. She graduated from LSMU in 2015 and has been working in the field of prosthodontics since. From the very start, she has been working in the biggest clinics in Lithuania with excellent teams of colleagues with highly specialized fields of dentistry. She has been deepening her knowledge in different courses and conferences on prosthetic work excitedly and applying it in her everyday practice. Also, she has had really skilled mentors guiding her. One of many of her passions including health, various sports and spending time in nature, always was art.
Working as a dentist, she found herself a niche to create as well. She was creating smiles for people. Working in the area of prosthodontics merged her wish to calculate, create an artistic and mechanic aspect, also keeping balance with nature. After some time, Linda felt that she needed to understand the bigger picture of everything that is happening with people. She wanted to profoundly understand the patterns and systems in which people are behaving. Why that is and how to work according to these currents and most importantly to clarify why are we all doing what we are doing? What is the purpose of all of this?
She got trained as a coach. In the year 2017, she got her ICF coach certificate at BKC. Also, did a lot of training based on Roger Hamilton System at Genius University. She always felt the need for constant growth and evolution, so investing in education and dentistry to constantly improve as a specialist in her field and in personal growth to help her live purposefully and at the same time in service to others became her priorities. Education, never-ending transformation, evolution, human connection and unity are the most important aspects of her life. Welcome to Grateful Goddesses, Lina.
Lina, thank you for joining us.
Karen, it’s such an honor that you invited me. I’m pleased and happy to be here with you.
You have a beautiful smile. I wanted to know if did you always want to be a prosthodontist since you were young? Was that something that you felt passionate about growing up?
First of all, thank you for your compliment. You have an amazing smile as well. I always consider that smile, which you can see from a person’s eyes the first one and the teeth comes second even though I’m a dentist. The thing that you asked about always wanting to be a prosthodontist, no. I decided that I want to become a dentist only when I was in my senior year. That whole time, I was in constant choosing, maybe doubts, searching. I was into arts. I did consider strongly becoming an architect. Now I see how architecture and being a prosthodontist have this common thread, so it’s a bit of architecture of teeth. I haven’t known since childhood that I want to be a dentist. I simply grew up knowing that I can become anyone I want. I can do anything. I can learn anything. Having this approach was difficult for me to choose.
It’s interesting how you’re saying that architecture and prosthodontics. I did think of that. You’re helping people to construct a smile in quite an architectural way exactly. For those of us who are not familiar with the dental world, can you share with us more specifically what a prosthodontist does?
When people don't feel good about themselves, they limit themselves, Share on XA prosthodontist is a doctor who delivers a smile when the case is a bit more severe and only fillings are not enough. All the smile reconstructions that we do require a lab. That means certain parts of teeth or missing teeth need to be replaced by the restorations produced in the laboratory. Mostly, I’m the first and the last doctor that a patient sees. Meaning, when a patient comes wanting a smile and you smile, healthy smile, attractive smile. I am the one who sets the whole plan and we decide upon the end goal what are the expectations of the patient, the medical conditions and what we can do.
We simply lay all the steps in front of us and then the patient goes and sees my colleagues, the orthodontist if he or she needs teeth straightening, an endodontist, surgeon or any specialist required. In the end, when all of them have set the foundation, I step in then we finish with the prosthesis. Prosthesis sounds bad but it’s not always the case when you have your teeth in a glass of water. It’s everything produced in the lab and then transferred into the patient’s mouth.
You must see a total transformation in your patients. Can you explain a little bit about that? Not just physically but the overall psyche of the patient coming in with a smile that’s perhaps not healthy, needs a lot of work and then after when they leave with a beautiful smile. What can you tell us about that transformation?
This is probably the most satisfying part of my work because people get excited. They’re usually grateful. I see how much more possibilities open up for them. For example, I had a patient who told me that she gave up her singing career because she felt so bad about her smile, which isn’t that bad. She simply felt that bad about it that she didn’t even allow herself to proceed on this pathway. I won’t go that deep about how her life would be, which was a better or worse scenario. When people don’t feel good about themselves, they limit themselves and that’s a pity. I’m able to open up more pathways for them. I’m more than happy.
You’re in the coaching arena as well. Can you tell us when that shift happened for you? Why did you also decide to embrace that part of your learning and discovery?
After I graduated, I took my job super seriously. I loved what I did. I worked and worked. It doesn’t matter what load of work was given to me. I would always say, “Yes, of course.” I simply burned myself out. Now, I already know that there are two ways how a person can develop or grow. It’s either through suffering or through insight and conscious choice. Back then, I simply needed that harsh experience to expand and evolve. I’m grateful for that experience. While I was in that burnout, I said that I won’t ever do any dentistry ever again. I will do anything I can to avoid being a dentist because I started hating my job. I started hating being a dentist.
Somehow, I didn’t know why but I decided to go and learn coaching. That opened a whole new world for me. Naturally, one course after another, one school after the other followed. That’s where I’m at. I’ve been working for a few years now as a dentist. When I was finishing my third year as a dentist, I experienced that burnout. It’s been a couple of years since I’m a coach, so it’s not long. My career is rather humble.
You’ve tied in coaching to the dental world. You speak to the dental world because you have knowledge in both areas, which I find so fascinating. I’d like to bring on our Featured Goddesses. We have more to dive into with you regards to the smile and also your coaching that you do for people. Camille, would you like to ask Lina a question?
I adored hearing your story. Over the many different episodes that we’ve done, we’ve discovered how important a mentor can be. I wonder who was that mentor for you? Did you have a mentor? Was there someone that you looked up to that helped you guide your career around?
I had a few. The first one is simply a lucky coincidence because that was a patient of mine. There are some procedures when I’m able to ask some questions and get to know my patients better. That’s what I did then. The amazing woman that was my patient, I figured out that she was a relative of my good friend and that friend of mine is a dentist herself. Her mother is a dentist and her father is a dental technician. Their whole family are dentists. That woman that came to me was illogical because she used to go to their family and always get her teeth fixed over there. Somehow, she felt like it.

She had come back from Bali, living there for a couple of years. She had a huge life transformation. She is working as a coach. She also was working with the same school. We simply got talking and we became friends. She opened up a lot of things for me. With my first coaching lecture teacher, I feel such deep admiration and respect for him. If I can say that the woman who came to be my patient and then my mentor is a friend of mine, I couldn’t say that my first coaching lecture is a friend of mine. He’s so much wider. These people were probably the first ones to come into my life. It wasn’t that I was searching for them but they simply came in.
Thank you for sharing that. We’re going to talk about the actual coaching work that you do. Dena has some questions about that.
Could you please share with us about the lighthouse and the personality types and how this framework fits into you helping others in the dental world and outside of it?
In life, you have always the same things expressed or told in different ways. The more I come to learn, I understand that there’s always the same access, there’s always one strongest core that is always repeating itself through different schools, philosophies or even religions. The one that I like is by Roger James Hamilton. The school that I like is the teaching of Roger James Hamilton. The core of this philosophy goes way back to ancient China. Not all but the bigger part of psychometric tests stem from Carl Jung. Carl Jung took the idea from China, The I Ching. There were such texts and they talk about wood, metal, fire, water, all those elements how we resemble or are similar to those elements. We each have a certain amount of them. The roots go way back. That’s not something Roger came up with by himself. He did a great job by translating it to our nowadays world. It’s widely used in coaching intrapreneurs. In any case, it works everywhere.
There’s only one you. There’s only one person. Whether I would call myself a coach, dentist, daughter, wife or whatever, there’s only one me. It doesn’t matter what I do, I do it in my way. I take myself everywhere I go. Getting to know me, these schemes, these charts serve the person everywhere in their life. You cannot separate business from your personal life. If you know yourself in business and that’s useful, you become a better, more advanced or more conscious version of yourself everywhere in life. There are no borders for the evolution of the personality.
Back to the Roger system, there are four basic elements and we each have some part of them. There are tests to see how much of anything you have. Those four elements, you can compare them with, for example, times of the year. The green one would be spring. The red one would be summer. The yellow is autumn. The gray one would be winter. Roger has its own names, Dynamo, Tempo, Blaze and Steel energies. You don’t have to test every person to find out where he or she is. When you know the qualities of them, you can simply sense where it’s more located.
It’s not only people who can be defined by these tests. You can also define a country or business. When we are talking about the business, it’s always evolving. That means business shouldn’t stay in one, for example, in spring. The spring, the green one, the Dynamo, it’s the startup. If that would be a person, that someone would be called up in the head. It’s all about the idea. It’s all about innovation. It’s all about fresh, new air. Blaze energy is more about communication, getting out to the world. If we would take a business, that would be a startup with a great and new idea. What do you do then? You go out and you spread the word. People in the Blaze energy are the people who like connecting with people, they like chatting with them. If they’re in the office, they like to be upfront. They’re great with sales.
We go to the Tempo energy would and that would be autumn. If we’re thinking about the business, that’s the time when the business gets a bit more mature. That means you have a great idea and you spread the word. Everyone is already aware of you. What do you need to do next? You get to know your clients. That means you need to create the student packages, the senior packages. You simply need to know what your client wants. How many segments of them do you have? When we’re thinking about the people, the person who emphasizes Tempo energy would be someone who is said to have their ear to the ground. That means they’re extremely sensory. They’re good in the service area. They’re keen to details. For example, someone in Dynamo can oversee the details. The details exhaust them. In Tempo, they love every detail. At the same time, sensors, everything you sense around is important to them.
I won’t tell the name but there was this famous and rich person. When they asked how is he aware when it’s time to sell shares, he said, “Whenever I get a twinge in my back.” That’s how sensory they are. Not charts and tables. They simply get the feeling. If a person is relying on their gut feeling, they’re on the Tempo side. We have Steel energy. If we’re thinking about a business going through this space, that would be the time when business gets automated. All the processes are getting automated because you already had the idea and you spread the word. You segmented your audience, your clients. How else can you improve the revenue or improve your business? It’s only by improving the processes. That’s what Steel energy is about. How can you make everything more efficient? When we’re thinking about the people, these are the people who love to do chart analysis. They love the data. They would hate being upfront and doing the sales, “Don’t disturb me. I’m doing my data analysis.” That would be someone in profound Steel energy.
We each have a mix of all of these energies and it makes interesting results in any case. The idea of this is that you don’t try to work on those areas where it’s difficult for you. You simply look at the things that you’re naturally good at and focus on that. That’s your strength. That’s the stronger side of you. I don’t know how is it where you are but in Lithuania if a kid is skilled at music but bad at math, parents would tend to hire a math teacher and not a music tutor. You’re already good at music but you’re bad at math, so you need to focus on math. You need to focus on music because that’s something that you are already good at.
You cannot separate your business and personal life; your business should not always stay in one state. Share on XAlso, this scheme is useful in business. When you’re thinking about the team that you’re working with, you always get along the best with people who are similar to you. That’s a common pithole because someone with Dynamo energy would go well along with someone else in Dynamo energy because they have so much to talk about. The new ideas, the innovation and they’re super excited, “We need to do that and that,” but there’s no one doing the job. There’s no one analyzing things. It’s like driving in a car, you need all mirrors. The more mirrors you have, the more of the surroundings you can see and the more aware you can be. In a team, you need all of the spheres, all of the segments covered. That’s the short explanation about the types.
There’s also the lighthouse. I’m visual that’s why I love this scheme. That square is located at the bottom of this lighthouse. Over here, you’ll see four energies but there’s also a fifth one, which is called the spirit. Each of the energies has a question and the spirit has the question why? That question is driving a person up. There are the levels of a lighthouse. You cannot jump. You always have to go step by step, level by level. What you see there are two columns. To get to the left column, you need more inspiration, getting loose. You need more imagination. To get to the right column, you need discipline and structure. You always go step by step. You make that pivot point. For example, from the 1st to the 2nd level, you need discipline.
At the base, the infrared, it’s called victim. That would be someone who, in a sense of wealth, is spending more than they’re earning. They’re always in debt. That means a person simply needs to put himself or herself together and be able to go to a job and simply sit there from 8:00 to 5:00, 9:00 to 5:00, whatever the hours. That’s what he or she needs to do. That’s discipline. After he or she did that, if they apply this strategy of more discipline, that doesn’t drive them forward. That simply is more and more discipline. That’s the end of the street. After that, a person needs to ask him or herself, “What do I like to do? What’s my passion?” When that answer comes, the person goes to the next level. When the person is doing something that they’re passionate about, they’re no longer counting the hours. They’re working even more. That’s the place where they start to earn more than they’re spending.
After that, there’s the yellow level. That’s someone who already has a good reputation. After finding out their passion, they manage to filter out one specific sphere where they’re super good at. In time, they build their reputation. After that, we have the green level. That’s someone who’s, in the sense of business, have a team, which they’re growing. To have a team and grow them, you need to loosen the grip. You need to learn to trust people. You cannot do that when you’re constantly in control. After the green one, we have the blue one. This is someone who has multiple businesses. They have multiple teams. To do that, you need a lot of discipline, control and gathering all the data and everything.
After that, you have indigo, the trustee. This is someone like Richard Branson. This is someone who says something and the whole world trusts them because that’s the person who said it. After that, we have the violet, the composer. That would be someone responsible for shaping the mindset of the masses, someone in politics for example. The ultraviolet, the legend, that would be like Mother Teresa or Nelson Mandela. People can be dead for a long time but they made such an impact that it stays. I know that it’s a lot. After going step by step, you can notice one thing. It’s not about the career. It’s not about the money. It’s about when a person evokes, his or her focus ships from me to others. For example, from the green level, the person is growing people around them. They’re starting to take care of others to help them. The more people that the person impacts, the higher the spirit.
I found that fascinating. I’ve gone over this with you before. I’m grateful that we can share this with the readers and the Featured Goddesses. Now that you’re reviewing it again, I took some notes. I have some questions. People have difficulty in some of those jumps or levels. I’m thinking of other organizations of the trust in people. If you have your own business or something that you’re passionate about and then you’re sending it out to your group or your team, sometimes you don’t always feel that they would share in the same passion as you. It’s not their business. It’s not their idea. I thought that might be challenging for a person to let go of and surrender to. The other one I felt that might be challenging would be from discipline to passion. Even on Grateful Goddesses, I find that people can sit down, do the work and they can structure their day. It’s finding that passion that might be difficult to do. I was curious about those two. How about you? What did you all think about that? Do you have any questions about the lighthouse, Rachel?
I was going to talk about the other diagram, which I found interesting. I’ve started working with this woman who is an Akashic reader and a life coach. She does this reading on you and then you apply it to your life. She told me that because I feel that I am in this ideation stage, I have all these ideas and yet I can’t follow through on anything. She’s like, “You need to surround yourself with doers. You’re not a doer. You’re an idea person. It’s fine. That’s who you are. Focus on your idea and help see it through but find people around you to get it done.” It blew my mind. This is exactly what you’re saying as well. If there’s something you’re good at, you don’t need to sell flagellate because you’re bad at other things. Embrace what you’re good at. Is that a correct interpretation?
It’s always a challenge when we need to change our strategy. Our brain always likes familiar things. If I was super strict, disciplined and got somewhere in life, I feel safe when I do things in this manner. That’s it. That’s the trick, constant transformation. Like the phoenix bird, it needs to burn to ashes to rise once more. Do you think that bird enjoys being in flames? That’s uncomfortable.
We talked about that too on the show about stepping out of your box, saying yes to things, going with your gut, your intuition and trying things. That will help you to figure out what your passion is.
The first step is always getting aware and conscious. I’m not sure if that can be true for everyone but for me, I know that whenever I feel stuck, that means that I’m using the old strategy. Probably the relief is different at a 180-degree angle. If I’m working too hard then probably, I simply need to let go write something. If I feel that something is out of balance, maybe I simply need to get more structure.

I can relate to that. I know that sometimes I feel I’m being pulled off the path. If I either meditate or stop, I feel I’m back on. Thank you. For Rachel, what are your thoughts on her question? It’s interesting, Rachel, you said that because you’ve mentioned to me that you felt that I’m a doer. I hope it’s rubbing off on you.
You’re both, Karen, the idea and the doer.
I haven’t always been the doer. Lina, we’ve talked about that. I’ve learned so much on this journey. I’m trying to incorporate a lot of these as we all are on the show. We’re trying to incorporate what we’ve learned into our lives and see if it works for us. You are too, Rachel, you’re doing that as well. I know what you’re saying. She has tons and tons of ideas but it’s taking that next step of how to implement.
That’s always the key. It’s the people that we surround ourselves with. They can be of huge support and help. There are three dimensions in that lighthouse because the bottom of the lighthouse is that square, which means that you do have, let’s say, more profound Dynamo energy. That would help you immensely to have people on the other sides even though probably you wouldn’t go as good along with them as you would with other Dynamos. Others who have those great ideas but at the same time, going up that lighthouse. I hate that discipline part as well but sometimes we do have to do things.
It’s true.
What I love about what you’re saying is that in some ways, there’s the saying, “The first step to solving your problem is recognizing that you have one, figuring out what that problem is and taking the steps to solve it.” That may be an AA thing. I don’t know where that’s from. The part that feels somewhat liberating is especially as we get older, we get a little bit more set in our ways. We get a little bit more comfortable with what our wheelhouse looks like. We know what we can do effectively and what our challenges are. The difficulty is that the older you get, the less likely you might be to employ the discipline to operate in a sphere that’s outside of your comfort zone. You get more set in your ways.
Taking Rachel’s example, one step further, she’s the idea person and she recognizes that she’s the idea person. There’s this battle between, “Fine. I recognize it. I can either try to get to the opposite side from the Dynamo to the other side. I can try to surround myself with people like Karen, who is more the doer.” There’s this battle between where is it necessary more theoretical. At what point do you say, “It’s not my strength. Let me find somebody whose strength it is whether you’re talking about the business world or your personal development,” or do you say, “I’m not too old to learn new things and to break out of his comfort zone. I’m going to work to try to do it myself.” I’m curious and it was a long question. How do you counsel your clients when faced with that battle, so to speak?
What is coaching? The method that I was taught and that I apply nowadays is I don’t have the recipe for a happy life for anyone. I don’t prescribe those recipes. The responsibility for the outcome is mainly in the clients’ hands. It has been already discovered that 60% of the outcome is dependent on the client’s motivation. If you have an unmotivated client, the outcome will be miserable. The main responsibility for the coach is to hold a nurturing space for that client to do his or her job and process.
We can apply the methods and this is one of the methods that I showed. The strength of the method is around 10%. It’s not that powerful, even though it is a chart or a diagram. It’s not that powerful and the person gets motivated to do things when it’s uncomfortable enough for her or him to do something. It needs to be uncomfortable where a person is in order that the person would change most of the time. For me, I see this as maybe one of the life laws.
We always want things to happen faster. If you’re boiling an egg, it doesn’t matter how much you want that egg to boil faster. It boils for seven minutes and that’s it. You need to wait, if you do a study on a patient, there are at least two months that the implant should heal and that’s it. The patient wants their teeth faster but you need to wait. You want to have a child but there are nine months that you need to be pregnant. It’s uncomfortable. You want the child now but you have to be pregnant. It’s not there yet. It’s gestating.
You need imagination, discipline, and structure to move step by step. Share on XI have a question. When you first start with a client, what is that process like? Do they start off with doing the quizzes? What is the analysis? How do you break it down? How do you know where you can coach them or whatever they normally come to you for? How does that even start?
It depends on the client. It depends on how I do. There always needs to be a contract. That means that an agreement needs to be reached. What do you want from me? What do you want to be achieved? Why did you come here? When there’s an agreement, we are searching for ways to fulfill that. When talking about this system, there are not many clients that felt the need to do the test. There are some but that’s not the magic pill. If it’s interesting and that it is interesting, you can always do that. It helps you to know yourself better.
Intuitively, we can all detect ourselves. Sometimes we just need confirmation from the outside. You can do the test. That’s not a problem. That’s not the solution as well. When a client comes, we, first of all need to make a contract and agreement on why he or she came to me. What do we want to achieve? How will we understand, how we achieve that? Because I want to feel better. When will you understand that you are feeling better? How will your surroundings also understand that you are feeling better? That’s the difference between coaching and psychotherapy. Coaching is for those people who don’t like to wait a long time. They want the results now and they want to be able to detect the results. We decide upon the terms and we simply go along. There’s always homework and things to be done because everything is done in the way of doing.
To piggyback off of that question that Camille asked and going back to the trust aspect. For example, let’s go back to the dental practice. If you’re in a dental practice and you are the main dentist and you have a staff. You’re, let’s say, doing the surgery or doing the work but you have to trust your staff. You have to trust your front staff to make sure they’re calling and serving patients. You have to trust your hygienist or your assistants but it’s your vision and your practice. They may come to get paid, to have a salary or they might come to work there because they do enjoy the work. It’s still not their office. That can go for a lot of different businesses. People are in jobs for various reasons and they might be quite passionate about what they’re doing and supportive of the dream and the mission of the CEO. How does that CEO or that dentist trust their staff?
In a lighthouse, when we’re thinking about a company, there will never be a huge distance between members of the company. Let’s say the owner will never be on the violet level and everyone in their staff or team on the red level. That won’t happen. These are intertwined. If the owner is on the yellow level, then all of their team members are on the orange and red level. It’s the cause and the effect both ways. If the owner wants to go up, he needs to make sure that either he will gather new people who are on higher levels or he needs to nurture and grow them to step up and get to that higher level.
If now the person is in the yellow level, super busy and no one in their team cares, if no one cares that means that people are in the red level. Not no one but someone doesn’t care, that means that the person is on the red level. That means that I come in and from our hour A to hour B I’m doing the job. As soon as I close the door, I no longer care about the work at all. That’s the red level. This is the person that will always drag the company down.
I’m sorry for interrupting but that seems to go also for your life. If you surround yourself with like-minded positive people that are on your same path, if you have draining people that always bring you down or it sounds so simple too, doesn’t it? If you’re in an office, you should have people in there that want to be there. That sounds so simple. Lina, if people would like to reach out to you for coaching, how can they do that?
They can find me on Facebook but I haven’t even managed to set up a decent page to look to put myself out as a coach but people kept coming in and more and more of them. I simply understand that I need to put more structure.
You can take your own advice. How can people find you on Facebook?
It’s Lina Duseviciute. You can write or add as a friend Also, for anyone who is a doctor, I am a part of a great community that’s called Doctor. I’m the administrator of that community. It’s more for dentists but all doctors are welcome there.

Thank you so much for joining us. I appreciate you sharing your understanding of the patterns and systems that people are behaving and why it’s so important to clarify and to know exactly where we are and what we need in our lives. We appreciate it. The next time we go to the dentist or the prosthodontist, we will definitely understand more about how it’s not only the mechanics but also the smile of how you feel and how you can take that forward in your life. Thank you so much for coming and joining us on Grateful Goddesses.
Welcome to our Favorite Things portion. We are going to be sharing what brings us happiness and joy. I have one of mine beside me. I use it often on phone calls as well as with my preschool kids. It’s called an Emergency Affirmation. I sometimes even use it for myself if I’m feeling down, honest to God because it’s cute, “You are awesome.” It makes me feel happy and it has a smiling face which is great for the show. Camille, what did you bring along?
My shirt is my favorite thing. It’s my best friend, Call Her 6. He’s a drag queen and he came out with a new song that’s out called Tuck it. It’s funny. I’ve been having fun. That’s my favorite thing.
I love that.
They Call Her 6 on Instagram but his real name’s Jeremy Austin.
That’s beautiful. I love the smile on the shirt for sure. It’s a sexy smile.
Will you send us the link to that song?
For sure. Dena, what did you bring along?
I brought along a book. It’s called We Were Liars. The reason I chose this because my daughter read it and passed it along to me and begged me to read it. One, I’m thrilled that she’s reading something that she loves. Two, that she wants me to read it, so she has somebody to discuss it with. She can’t wait. Every day she’s like, “What page are you on? If you get to this page, you’re going to be done for the day because it’s so good at this point?” It’s been fun bonding.
Is it a good book? Are you enjoying it?
In a good team, you need to trust people and not be in so much control. Share on XIt’s a young read but it’s great.
That’s so nice to share that bond for sure. Alyssa, how about you?
I’m always looking for products that get you through winter for your skin, hair and stuff like that. I brought two. This is the worst packaging and name but someone gave this to me as a holiday gift years ago and I loved it so much that she got it for me again. It is a hand cream and it’s called No Crack. I laugh at the name. It’s an Amazon product but it’s truly the only thing and you use it at night because it’s thick. It’s the only thing that saves my dry hands. It doesn’t have a lot of ingredients in it. There are probably six but it is seriously potent good hand cream. My second thing is because I feel you get pale and in this type of weather. It’s the dead of winter here and I love my wipes so this is an m-61 Bluemercury available on I’m sure their website and Amazon. It’s an exfoliating but tanning pad. They’re nice because you do it.
Can you repeat what it’s called?
It’s called the m-61 Power Glow Peel Gradual Tan. It’s exfoliating and it has salicylic acid, Vitamin K and chamomile. Camille can tell us if it’s a good product or not but I like it.
It’s similar to the other ones she showed us but this one has a self-tanner.
It’s exfoliating. I love them because you toss them. No muss, no fuss.
You’re glowing. I love the other ones.
Not at the moment. I haven’t used them quite a bit but I did use one. I had some glow and some color.
Thank you for sharing. Rachel?

I am sharing a piece of clothing as well. It’s this tie-dye sweater. It’s cotton. It’s got frayed sleeves. I was in a business coaching group with a group of women and one of the women started Stitch Fix, where you can get a box of clothes but you can also order from her website. It’s called Game Set but it’s sporty clothes. I love super funky yoga pants. I love crazy designs on them. I buy them from her and I am so happy to support another woman-owned business.
It’s so colorful. I noticed it right away. It made me smile for sure. Lina, what did you bring to share with us?
I realized that I did bring. I brought a book. It’s in Lithuanian. It’s called The Guide to NLP. Probably that would be the accurate translation. There’s always that one common thing and NLP is something that was hugely intertwined with self-development, even meditation. I also brought the approach always to see the advantage. I love this card, so I bought it. Can you read?
If life gives you lemons make lemonade.
It’s simply always seeing the advantage in every situation.
Thank you so much. Those were all wonderful things that you all shared. Wonderful rituals, cards, books, clothing products, T-shirts and everything. Thank you for sharing. Remember, “You are awesome.” Enjoy your day or evening.
Important Links:
- Dr. Lina Duseviciute
- Roger James Hamilton
- Lina Duseviciute – Facebook
- Instagram – Jeremy Austin
- We Were Liars
- Game Set
About Dr. Lina Duseviciute
Lina Dusevičiūtė was born in Lithuania -a small Eastern European country.
She graduated from LSMU (Lithuanian Health Science University) in 2015 and has been working in the field of prosthodontics since. From the very start, she has been working in the biggest clinics in Lithuania, with excellent teams of colleagues with highly specified fields of dentistry. She has been deepening her knowledge in different courses and conferences on prosthodontic work excitedly and applying it in her everyday practice. Also, she was lucky to have always had really skilled mentors, guiding her.
One of many of her passions including health, various sports, and spending time in nature always was art. Working as a dentist, she found herself a niche to create as well- she was creating smiles for people. Working in the area of prosthodontics merged her wish to calculate, create in artistic and mechanic aspects, also keeping balance with nature.
After some time she felt that need to understand the bigger picture of everything that is happening with people, she wanted to profoundly understand the patterns and systems in which people are behaving, why that is and how to work according to these currents and most importantly to clarify WHY are we all doing what we are doing. What is the purpose of all of this? So she got trained as a coach.
In the year 2017 she got her ICF coach certification at BKC (Baltijos Koučingo Centras); also did a lot of training based on Roger Hamilton’s system, at “Genius University” and by Lina Danienė, also learning from great mentors like Terri Vincent, Melanie Colling, Paul Dunn, Brett Jarman, and Anthony Chadwick.
She always felt the need for constant growth and evolution, so investing in education in dentistry to constantly improve as a specialist in her field, and in personal growth, to help her live purposefully and at the same time in service to others, became priorities. Education, never-ending transformation, evolution, human connection, and unity are the most important aspects of her life.
She was lucky to have amazing mentors in both areas that made a huge impact on the way she is operating in life and profession.
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